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CD45 - Canine - Sheep - Monkey - Mouse

and the most popular subtypes like CD45+

CD45 Gene ID 19264
CD45 Official Full Name protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C
CD45 Alias LCA, T200, B220, PTPRC
CD45 Cellular Expression T; B; NK; Dendritic; Granulocyte; Macrophage; Stem cell
CD45 Ligand/Receptor/Association galectin-1
CD45 Function Critical for B- and T-cell receptor mediated activation. Regullar of cell growth and differentiation
CD45 Summary Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C also known as PTPRC is an enzyme that, in humans, is encoded by the PTPRC gene.[1] PTPRC is also known as CD45 antigen (CD stands for cluster of differentiation), which was originally called leukocyte common antigen (LCA).[2]


All relevant products for CD45 and CD45+

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