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CD42 - China - Sheep - Bovine - Canine

and the most common subtypes like CD42b, CD42c and CD42+

CD42b - Cluster of differentiation 42b

CD42b Gene ID 2811
CD42b Official Full Name glycoprotein Ib platelet alpha subunit
CD42b Cellular Expression T; B
CD42b Ligand/Receptor/Association vWF and thrombin
CD42b Function cell adhesion, cell activation
CD42b Summary Glycoprotein Ib (GP Ib) is a platelet surface membrane glycoprotein composed of a heterodimer, an alpha chain and a beta chain, that is linked by disulfide bonds. The Gp Ib functions as a receptor for von Willebrand factor (VWF). The complete receptor complex includes noncovalent association of the alpha and beta subunits with platelet glycoprotein IX and platelet glycoprotein V. The binding of the GP Ib-IX-V complex to VWF facilitates initial platelet adhesion to vascular subendothelium after vascular injury, and also initiates signaling events within the platelet that lead to enhanced platelet activation, thrombosis, and hemostasis. This gene encodes the alpha subunit. Mutations in this gene result in Bernard-Soulier syndromes and platelet-type von Willebrand disease. The coding region of this gene is known to contain a polymophic variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) domain that is associated with susceptibility to nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2013]


CD42c - Cluster of differentiation 42c

CD42c Gene ID 2812
CD42c Official Full Name glycoprotein Ib platelet beta subunit
CD42c Alias GPIbb,GPIBB
CD42c Cellular Expression Platelet; Stem cell
CD42c Ligand/Receptor/Association vWF and thrombin
CD42c Function Platelet adhesion and aggregation
CD42c Summary CD2 is a surface antigen of the human T-lymphocyte lineage that is expressed on all peripheral blood T cells (summarized by Sewell et al., 1986 [PubMed 3490670]). It is one of the earliest T-cell markers, being present on more than 95% of thymocytes; it is also found on some natural killer cells but not on B lymphocytes. Monoclonal antibodies directed against CD2 inhibit the formation of rosettes with sheep erythrocytes, indicating that CD2 is the erythrocyte receptor or is closely associated with it.[supplied by OMIM, Jul 2010]


All relevant products for CD42b, CD42c and CD42+

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