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CD180 - Bovine - Sheep - Goat - Mouse - Human - Guinea Pig

and the most popular subtypes like CD180+

CD180 Gene ID 17079
CD180 Official Full Name CD180 antigen
CD180 Alias RP-105
CD180 Cellular Expression B; Dendritic; Macrophage; monocytes
CD180 Ligand/Receptor/Association LPS
CD180 Function Controls B-cell recognition and signaling of LPS. Leads to NFkB activation.
CD180 Summary CD180 antigen is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CD180 gene.[1][2][3][4]CD180 is a cell surface molecule consisting of extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LRR) and a short cytoplasmic tail. It is also known by the archaic terms Bgp-95 and RP105, for the founding designations following discovery in humans (1988) and mice (1994), respectively. The extracellular LRR is associated with a molecule called MD-1 and form the cell surface receptor complex, CD180/MD-1. It belongs to the family of pathogen receptors, Toll-like receptors (TLR). CD180/MD-1, by working in concert with TLR4, controls B cell recognition and signaling of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a membrane constituent of Gram-negative bacteria.[3]


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