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CD117 - China - Canine - Porcine - Rabbit - Bovine - Human

and the most popular subtypes like CD117+

CD117 Gene ID 16590
CD117 Official Full Name kit oncogene
CD117 Alias c-kit, SCFR, KIT
CD117 Cellular Expression Stem cell
CD117 Ligand/Receptor/Association SCF (c-kit ligand)
CD117 Function Crucial for development of gonadal and pigment stem cells
CD117 Summary The c-Kit proto-oncogene is the cellular homolog of the transforming gene of a feline retrovirus (v-Kit). The c-kit protein includes characteristics of a protein kinase transmembrane receptor. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]


All relevant products for CD117 and CD117+

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