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CD107 - Human - Guinea Pig - Goat - Mouse - Sheep

and the most common subtypes like CD107a, CD107b and CD107+

CD107a - Cluster of differentiation 107a

CD107a Gene ID 16783
CD107a Official Full Name lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1
CD107a Alias LAMP-1
CD107a Cellular Expression T; Endothelial; Erythrocyte; Granulocyte; Macrophage; Platelet
CD107a Ligand/Receptor/Association
CD107a Function Cell adhesion
CD107a Summary Lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1 is a glyoprotein from a family of Lysosome-associated membrane glycoproteins.[1] The LAMP-1 glycoprotein is a type I transmembrane protein[2] which is expressed at high or medium levels in at least 76 different normal tissue cell types.[3] It resides primarily across lysosomal membranes,[4] and functions to provide selectins with carbohydrate ligands.[1] CD107a has also been shown to be a marker of degranulation on lymphocytes such as CD8+ and NK cells.[5] and may also play a role in tumor cell differentiation and metastasis.


CD107b - Cluster of differentiation 107b

CD107b Gene ID 3920
CD107b Official Full Name lysosomal associated membrane protein 2
CD107b Alias LAMP-2
CD107b Cellular Expression T; Endothelial; Erythrocyte; Granulocyte; Macrophage; Platelet
CD107b Ligand/Receptor/Association
CD107b Function May be involved in leukocyte adhesion.Implicated in tumor cell metastasis
CD107b Summary The protein encoded by this gene is a member of a family of membrane glycoproteins. This glycoprotein provides selectins with carbohydrate ligands. It may play a role in tumor cell metastasis. It may also function in the protection, maintenance, and adhesion of the lysosome. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct proteins. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]


All relevant products for CD107a, CD107b and CD107+

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