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T Zell Rezeptor Signalweg

T cell receptors (TCR) play a key role in functioning of T cells and formation of the immunological synapse. It provides connection between T cell and the antigen-presenting cell (APC). TCRs activation promotes a number of signaling cascades that ultimately determine cell fate through regulating cytokine production, cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Activation of T lymphocytes is a key event for an efficient response of the immune system.TCR activation is regulated by various co-stimulatory receptors. CD28 provides an essential co-stimulatory signal during T-cell activation, which augments the production of IL-2 (Interleukin-2), increases T-cell proliferation and prevents the induction of anergy and cell death. CD28 ligation by B7-1 or B7-2 helps in bringing the T-Cell and Antigen Presenting Cell membranes into close proximity. Besides CD28, many other transmembrane receptors also modulate specific elements of TCR signaling,such as CD45 and CD4. An early event in TCR activation is phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) on the cytosolic side of the TCR/CD3 complex by lymphocyte protein tyrosine kinase (Lck). The CD45 receptor tyrosine phosphatase modulates the phosphorylation and activation of Lck and other Src family tyrosine kinases. TCR activation also leads to cytoskeletal rearrangements through the activation of GTP-binding proteins Rac and PAK, downstream of ZAP70. Negative regulation of TCR signaling is also significant, in order to keep a check on the hyperactivation of immune response associated with the pathway. SIT (SHP2-interacting transmembrane adaptor protein) is a recently identified transmembrane adaptor protein, which interacts with the SHP2 (SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2) via an ITIM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif), and the complex acts as a critical negative regulator of TCR-mediated signaling. In addition, CTLA4 (cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4) also negatively regulates T-cell activation. The transmembrane protein CTLA4 also serves as a natural inhibitor. Once T-cells become activated, by whatever disease process is turning them on, the body has a natural process to turn down the T-cell pathways so that it does not get out of control.

CD28 CD4 CD45 TCR/CD3 Complex CRAC Channel PI3K Lck Zap-70 PIP3 PDK1 Akt PKC CBL2 Bcl10 Malt1 Carma1 TAK1 mTORC1 IKK MKK7 JNK2 Rel NF-kB IkB NF-kB Rel Jun p38 MAPK JNK MKK4/7 GADD45alpha MEKK1 Digh1 Raf MEK1/2 Erk CREB Fos NFAT NFAT NFAT Calcineurin CaMK4 CaM RaS HPK1 SOS Grb2 LAT ADAP NCK SLP76 Vav Plcy1 Wasp Rac CDC42 P38 MAPK Signaling Pathway Cell Proliferation Survival  Tipp: Finde deine Produkte durch Bewegen der Maus innerhalb des Signalweges oder durch die Tabelle.

T Zell Rezeptor Signalweg von A bis Z

ADAP Suchergebnis
Akt Suchergebnis
Bcl10 Suchergebnis
Calcineurin Suchergebnis
CaM Suchergebnis
CaMK4 Suchergebnis
Carma1 Suchergebnis
CBL2 Suchergebnis
CD28 Suchergebnis; Kategorie: CD28
CD4 Suchergebnis; Kategorie: CD4
CD45 Suchergebnis; Kategorie: CD45
CDC42 Suchergebnis
CRAC Channel Suchergebnis
CREB Suchergebnis
Digh1 Suchergebnis
Erk Suchergebnis
Fos Suchergebnis
Grb2 Suchergebnis
HPK1 Suchergebnis
IkB Suchergebnis
IKK Suchergebnis
JNK Suchergebnis
Jun Suchergebnis
LAT Suchergebnis
Lck Suchergebnis
Malt1 Suchergebnis
MEK1/2 Suchergebnis
MEKK1 Suchergebnis
MKK7 Suchergebnis
mTORC1 Suchergebnis
NCK Suchergebnis
NFAT Suchergebnis
NF-kB Suchergebnis
p38 MAPK Suchergebnis
PDK1 Suchergebnis
PI3K Suchergebnis
PIP3 Suchergebnis
PKC Suchergebnis
Plcy1 Suchergebnis
Rac Suchergebnis
Raf Suchergebnis
Ras Suchergebnis
Rel Suchergebnis
SLP76 Suchergebnis
SOS Suchergebnis
TAK1 Suchergebnis
TCR/CD3 Complex Suchergebnis; Kategorie: TCR/CD3 Complex
Vav Suchergebnis
Wasp Suchergebnis
Zap-70 Suchergebnis
JNK2 Suchergebnis
MKK4/7 Suchergebnis
GADD45alpha Suchergebnis
P38 MAPK Signaling Pathway Suchergebnis
Cell Proliferation Survival Suchergebnis

Vielen Dank an Sino Biological für die Bereitstellung der Signalwege.