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CD320 - Human

and the most popular subtypes like CD320+

CD320 Gene ID 51293
CD320 Official Full Name CD320 molecule
CD320 Alias FDC-SM-8D6, TCbIR, 8D6 antigen
CD320 Cellular Expression Dendritic
CD320 Ligand/Receptor/Association  
CD320 Function Augments the proliferation of plasma cell precursors generated by IL10. Receptor for the cellular uptake of transcobalamin bound cobalamin
CD320 Summary This gene encodes the transcobalamin receptor that is expressed at the cell surface. It mediates the cellular uptake of transcobalamin bound cobalamin (vitamin B12), and is involved in B-cell proliferation and immunoglobulin secretion. Mutations in this gene are associated with methylmalonic aciduria. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene.[provided by RefSeq, Jan 2011]


All relevant products for CD320 and CD320+

Ustaw kierunek malejący

2 produkt(ów)

Ustaw kierunek malejący

2 produkt(ów)