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and the most popular subtypes like CD15+

CD15 Gene ID 14345
CD15 Official Full Name fucosyltransferase 4
CD15 Alias Lewis X (Lex), SSEA-1, 3-FAL
CD15 Cellular Expression Granulocyte
CD15 Ligand/Receptor/Association CD62E
CD15 Function Cell adhesion
CD15 Summary CD15 (3-fucosyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine) is a cluster of differentiation antigen - an immunologically significant molecule. CD15 is a carbohydrate[1] adhesion molecule that can be expressed on glycoproteins, glycolipids and proteoglycans. CD15 mediates phagocytosis and chemotaxis, found on neutrophils; expressed in patients with Hodgkin disease, some B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias, acute lymphoblastic leukemias, and most acute nonlymphocytic leukemias. It is also called Lewis x and SSEA-1 (stage-specific embryonic antigen 1) and represents a marker for murine pluripotent stem cells, in which it plays an important role in adhesion and migration of the cells in the preimplantation embryo. It is synthezised by FUT4 (fucosyltransferase 4) and FUT9.


All relevant products for CD15 and CD15+

Ustaw kierunek malejący

11 produkt(ów)

Ustaw kierunek malejący

11 produkt(ów)